More fun on Friday as we had a playdate with the girls! Calissa, Marissa, Brianna and Kaitlyn all came over to play, plus eat some tasty Uncle Tony's Pizza!
Thanks to everyone for all the good wishes! I've been keeping Mama and Papa up late at night with a case of the croup. Papa says I sound like a mix between a barking dog and Donald Duck...hee..hee!
I do get lots of time with Mama and Papa this week though, so that's fun playtime (when I'm not feeling sleepy or well enough to play).
So, how did I celebrate? Well, after some fun playtime with Nana and Brooklyn, Mama and Papa took me to the doctors for a little check-up. Don't worry, I'm fine :) although I did have to get a shot and some preventative medicine as well.
After a dinner treat complete with apple dippers, we got to make some tasty cupcakes. So, while we eat those, you can watch me have some fun from earlier this week.
All I have to say is..."ladies and gentlemen!"
Plus, check out my fancing dancing!
Mama and Papa say I have a surprise for Saturday, but I have no idea what it is! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wake up in the morning and find out.
I hope everyone had a very good Trick-or-Treat Halloween!
I thought I was going to be a LadyBug, but that didn't pan out. I just didn't feel like getting in the costume. So, after handing out some treats to the neighborhood kids, I ventured out myself as my "rocker" self. Take a look :)
Plus, Grandpa Barker was in town, so we got to go out for lunch and see some boats! And how about those crabs, too!