Congratulations are in order on this Saturday. YEAH!
Yeah to everyone who helped out in Mama's Radiothon for the kids at Hasbro Children's Hospital. Thanks to all your help they raised over $413,000!!! That's a lot of money! So, YEAH to everyone!
Also, a YEAH to me! Why you may ask? Well, let me show you -

After many attempts to do it, I finally got some water through my straw!!! YEAH for me! Just so you know, the momentous event happened at dinner at Applebee's in Seekonk. I also chowed down on some tasty boneless buffalo chicken wings, celery, mac & cheese and some of Mama and Papa's cheeseburger sliders. I was very hungry.
Time for sleepies.
Hugs and kisses,
Abbie :)