Boy, did I have a busy week! Don't believe me? Well, just take a look at these!
Mama let me have some ice cream!

MMMM! Tasty chocolate and vanilla :)

Then, Papa let me help cook dinner! I make a mean turkey burger!

So, of course, I had to take my skills to my own kitchen in the playroom.

On Saturday, I went to my friend Jessica's birthday party at Little Gym!

I can't believe someone put me inside this doughnut!

Hi Jessica and her Mom!

Papa, can you please rescue me out of this doughnut!

OK, it's fine now that all of the rest of the kids are here :)

Jessica had lots of cupcakes!

That's my friend Roxy!

Look out Celtics!

That's right, Mama. I'm in control!

Oh yeah, I'm a high flyer!

Just wait until the Summer Olympics of 2024!

Maybe I'll play some hoops too!

After all that, I was tired. Did I forget to mention that my carseat now faces forward in the car?

J-E-T-S!!! I saw Brett Favre throw his first TD pass for the Jets Saturday night :)

Whew!!!!! I'm off to sleepies. Sunday, I get to see the fishes and penguins at Mystic Aquarium. YEAH!
Hugs and kisses,
Abbie :)